According to internal organisational provisions, the CGP Group has appointed responsible persons for
performing quality control. We defined tasks of responsible persons and obligations for all employees
that are included in the quality control process. We developed procedures and ways for implementing
quality management and quality control activities.
With these procedures, we manage and control the quality of our products and performed work on all
fields of activities of the CGP Group. Besides increasing the quality of products and performed work,
we also strive towards decreasing our costs with technological improvements and rationalisations of
our production.
Within the CGP Group, quality control is performed by the Quality and Development Division. The
Division includes the Technical Control and two laboratories:
- Laboratory Drnovo (research of stone aggregates, research of asphalt mixtures and layers,
research of fresh concrete, and geotechnical research),
- Laboratory Livada (research of stone aggregates and research of fresh concrete).
Research activities are performed by qualified and experienced professionals using modern, regularly
maintained and calibrated equipment.
In cooperation with external laboratories, both laboratories also perform production control of our own
products and internal control of the performed work on construction sites. Internal control of the
performed work on site is performed by the Technical Control.
Product quality control is performed in accordance with the Slovenian Construction Products Act
(ZGPro), Rules on Conformity Compliance and on Marking Construction Products, and applicable
technical specifications. Based on the existing production control system, we received production
control certificates for all manufacturing facilities in the CGP Group.
With our quality management and control system, we possess all the required technical
documentation in accordance with applicable laws and technical specifications, which proves the
quality of our products and performed work.